Saturday, May 12, 2007

Just Say" No" To John McCain

Someone wrote me and explained, reasonably enough, their belief that John McCain will be the Republican Party nominee. Please don’t do it, Republicans! I long ago decided that I could personally like John McCain, personally. He just isn’t philosophically qualified to be a Republican candidate for president. I read this paragraph, this morning:

Thus, if energy policy is important to you, it's worth knowing that Republican John McCain as well as Democrat Barack Obama are in favor of instituting California's low-carbon fuel standard scheme on the national level. And that Democrat John Edwards envisions a $13 billion fund for energy innovation, primarily funded by the sale of greenhouse-gas pollution permits. And that McCain as well as Democrat Hillary Clinton have been softening their stance against ethanol subsidies.

How many examples do we need, that this guy just doesn’t get it!? If he has conservative instincts, he applies them from a Democratic perceptual apparatus: Government should regulate industry and speech (campaign finance reform). The guy is a creature of the Washington environment that he has swam in for so long. He has learned to think that way by totally immersing a structurally weak intellectual framework in a corrosive environment. And, it has been plain for years that he can’t articulate a case for the respect of human life, beyond the vacant mouthing of the words, “I’m pro-life.” I guarantee that if McCain became president, no progress on recovering respect for human life would be made for his entire term: Not in legislation, not in the judiciary, and certainly not in persuasion from the president. I wouldn’t trust him to hold ground on federal funding of stem-cell research, either. Don’t express any repair of the immigration process, either.

If McCain were nominated, media and Democrats would beat the stuffing out of him on Iraq, and if that didn’t beat him, he’s be the best Republican president a Democrat could have. They could beat him and grow government size and meddling at the same time: sort of a George W. Bush squared, only without the tax cuts. It would be as I said about Bush: my biggest disappointment being not in the man himself, but in The Republican Party that nominated him. He isn’t even the best candidate to beat the Democrats. Like Dole, maybe he could hold the door for a Clinton.


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