Thursday, June 7, 2007

Here's To You, Mr. Robinson/Re: Luntz-Huckabee Thompson Post

Jim Robinson commented on the Lutz-Huckabee-Thompson post, that Thompson could face strong criticism on trade for “fast-tack” approval and support for “most-favored-nation” trade status for China, and also from people like Tom Tancredo for a relatively lax voting record on immigration. While I do believe government should enforce the law and not watch law be made a mockery, immigration should be made in an orderly and legal fashion, and illegality not rewarded with respect of any sort, I am not as stark about immigration as Tom Tancredo. But, I would hope that he can hang around long enough to take some swings at Thompson.

But, my primary problems with Thompson are:

His enthusiastic endorsement of McCain-Feingold "campaign finance reform," in utter defiance of the 1st Amendment, demonstrates that, irrespective of his intentions, he is constitutionally illiterate. Though I understand how popular culture can distort perceptions, I will not support someone as chief executive charged with protecting and defending The Constitution who cannot decipher the most basic principles of The Constitution. What constitutional atrocities lay waiting to be committed? Obviously, that goes for John McCain, too.

Though I may have positive sentiments about an actor who rises above the shallow group-think that is widely reflected in that profession, especially in view of his constitutional incompetence, there is not a reason in the world that I should embrace the political celebrity fomented by an even more forlorn popular media.

I like both McCain AND Thompson…just not for president!

Incidentally, the C-SPAN presentation of Huckabee’s National Press Club speech today was obviously scrubbed. It was neither on the Huckabee web site, this morning or on C-SPAN, today. Maybe we can find a recording or transcript. Hopefully, the “Hardball with Chris Matthews” appearance will air today or tomorrow. The Washington Times published Huckabee warns Christians not to abandon principles . The article notes that Huckabee “barely registers in the polls.” Though the general public scarcely knows his name, he does show above all those but the 4 widely circulated names., and quite a bit more among politically tuned-in or active people. The article also mistakenly says that Huckabee thinks that creationism should be taught alongside Darwinism in schools. I think in my neighborhood, students should be apprised of all widely embraced accounts of human life. But regardless of what we think, Huckabee knows as I do that candidates or even presidents don’t make such decisions. School-boards should. This is just more simplistic perception because Huckabee didn’t express unquestioned faith in a macro evolutionary (across species) account


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the National Press Club speech was cancelled, whether by the Club or by the Huckabee campaign I do not know. He mentioned the cancellation in his blogger conference on Wednesday morning.

Larry Perrault said...

I looked at your blog, but found no contact info. I went to the NPC web site, this morning and it called the speech "postponed." But, it may well be cancelled.

I went to the official Huckabee site and found the blog fouled up in a major way. I tried to call, but it was after hours, so I left a message. I sent an email to a contact I have made. But I hope they get a message, soon.

They have a bunch of videos displayed that someone has obviously linked to YouTube flagging "Huckabee." I'm not bothered, personally. But, some are not helpful; particularly a profane one of an Arkansas critic saying negative things about Huckabee, including that "he must have gotten his stomach stapled, because no Republican can stop eating" (or something like that.

Most people will forgive, but some won't and it looks very sloppy and unprofessional.

Larry Perrault

Anonymous said...

The Huckabee luncheon at the Press Club was postponed because it was not announced far enough in advance to gather an audience. It is fully expected that when it is rescheduled it will be a well-attended event.

Thank you.